Albeit I never fell in love with stretching or yoga, I couldn't not admit who it's very important and should be a part of your training, just make sure to do it in the right way, don't overstretching if you want to avoid injuries, still I prefer the old static stretching, it's very relaxing and safe, but you can chose among a wide different ways to do it, static, active, dynamic, yoga, P.N.F and so on, I don't recommend the old ballistic stretching, that's because the odds to hurt yourself increase a lot.
Be carefull also to not get overtrained with it, in the last years I discoreved who is not required do hours of stretching every day in order to develop or mantain a good level of flexibility, in my case 15 minutes for two time at week is enough, this is because my goal is only avoid injuries when I lift weights, but maybe your goals are different, depending on your purpose, you would need of do more than I'm doing, so probably 30-45 minutes for 3 time at week will do the job, even you can do more.