High Yeld Investment Program are a kind of online scam business, the admin build a website and say that him work in investments field, he can claim who invest in stock market, oil market, or whatever and on his website him encourage people to have a collaboration with him, you give him money and he invest them, after that him will giveback at you all this money plus a lot of interests, awesome, isn't ? Not really.
Always I wondered why if a man is so good in investment field, him need to your money, why he need to invest money of someothers in order to have success ?
The true is that there aren't any group of people who invest in stock market or whatever, there is only a guy sit in front of his computer in some offshore place where the autority can't track down, him not invest your money in any field whatsoever, rather he run a Ponzi Scheme, called also Pyramid System, just
him pay people for awhile with the same money that them loan at him.
So, in his safe place him build a website with fake domain and contact support, him take money from the people whom believe that will be invested and a lot of profit will be comeback at them, for keep the things credible him sometime pay you a little bit in order to make believe you that he's investing seriously, when instead are paying you with the money of others people that like you fallen in this scam fraud.
So, when this guy reach a good amount of money, him close the website that have built and run away with your money, dissapearing, now he is free to open a new website with a new identity, new fake domain and contact support, and the game start again and again, this is how admins work, admin it's the name of the guy who run these Ponzi Scheme, in the HYIP field it's so called.
One admin can run also many scam fraud website at time, there are hundred and hundred of these websites, somebody declared that there are only 20-30 admins overall and each one run many websites, we don't know exatly, what we know is that every year these guys steal a lot of money from naive people, especially during this time of crisis a lot of people are looking for new opportunity to earn money on internet in easy way and often there are these sharks waiting for them.
So, you have to understand that the whole HYIP industry is set in a way that 99% of the people lose money and the remain 1% become rich, that 99% are all the gullible people who fall in this trap, regard the 1% of people who earn money, it's conpound by :
1) ADMIN : of course, him pay you a little bit for awhile with money of others people but him make sure that the incoming are bigger then outputs and when he reach a good amount, dissapear, goodbye.
2) E-CURRENCY : These are a special elettronic cards, in my opinion most of the time not legit, you must use them in order to invest in HYIP, unfortunately them take a fee every time you want withdraw.
3) HYIP MONITOR : These are websites where all the HYIP are monitored, if one of them is close to turn on in a scam, it will allert you, what a pity that most of the time HYIP monitor are corrupt, admins pay monitor for keep a HYIP in pay status also when it become scam already.
4) HYIP WEBSITES : where people would have you believe that you can outsmart admins and earn money, moreover give you some tricks for do it , but the true is that these tricks don’t work because hyip admins read these website and they adobt the right countermeasures.
5) SCAM PROMOTERS : Usually are men who have a website where them talk about online business, in one of their posts them could talk about some HYIP and tell you how legit is it, them do it because are affiliate with this fraud, so every time somebody join in a HYIP them earn money, scam promoters not have scruples to direct people in a scam if them get money for do it, so, beware.
I will ending this post giving at you some reasons for stay away from HYIP :
1) It's not an investment, it's a gambling where you bet on a HYIP lifetime, moreover it's a fraud gambling, at least when people bet on horses them know what are doing, them could loss but them knowed that was gambling, HYIP are different because claim to invest your money in stock market when it's not true.
2) How I said, 99% of people lose money, you wanna lose your hard earned money for make rich some lazy admin ?
3) If you playing in HYIP, you are joining in a fraud scam activity that every year steal a lot of money and you are helping to render this industry bigger and to perduring.
4) Sometime when a HYIP become scam, admin can try to steal your ID, this is a risk that you could run sometime in this field.
5) It could become addiction just like any other kind of gambling
My raccomendation is to stay away from this stuff, if you need of money, looking for a real job, not easy to do nowadays, I know , but it's better then lose money in a fraud scam, and if you wanna invest your money, take them in a bank, I know that the interest rate of the banks are low if you compare it with a HYIP where could claim that you can earn from 10% to 40% at day, but a bank not dissapear and run away with your money the day after.
I wanna reccomend you a good website that I'm reading since some years, I regard it one of the best resource for avoid scam like that and similar, the site is this www.1a20.com/ , the autor have understand well how these fraud scam work and he try to warning people about it.
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