Martial arts and women, a very fascinating combination, some of them today enroll in self defence classes in order to acquire some skills who could help to deal with a dangerous situation, most of them are women who have had problems in the past, a violent husband, or maybe have suffered stalking, harassment, even rape attempted, well, these are absolutely all good reasons for start to have interest in self defence.
But beside what sometime we see in the movies, can a woman deal with a potential troublemaker ? Ok, first and foremost forget what usually you see in the movies, I mean the classic 110 pounds woman who beat a big man of 242 pounds without too much effort, most of the time what you see in a movie is unrealistic, forget also what you see in the most exhibitions where a partner let the lady do whatever she want without resist, because against a real troublemakers this stuff don't work.
What you see in most exhibitions of martial arts, in a real street situation wouldn't work for a man, let alone if would work for a woman, the reason because the most techniques performed in a exhibition don't work it's because are used against a collaborative partner, but I will stress more deeply this subject in a further article, now comeback to the question, do you think is possible who a normal woman can deal with a big assailant in the street ? Wait a minute, before that somebody will answer "yes", I have to make clear that I'm talking about a normal woman, I know that women like Ronda Rousy, Gina Carano or Laila Alì can do it for sure, but these are professional fighters who have a remarkable potential genetic for become great in combat sport, a potential genetic who average women don't have.
So, can an average woman of 110 pounds defend herself from a large and strong man ?
Yes, she can, but she need to be more realistic and change the goal, she can't pretend to be able to maul him, realistic self defence for woman mean hit and run, that's mean a knee or kick in the testicle or dive a finger in one eye, all these techniques are able to disable him for seconds or minutes, that's enough time for let you run away, go at home or call the police, that's all, this is what you as a small woman are realistically able to do, don't fool yourself about it.
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