Just I finished to play with the last game of master Shinji Mikami, the new survival horror called " The Evil Within ", aka " Psycho Break " , the survival horror genre was very famous in the Playstation one era but right now looking like dissapeared and everytime a softer house announced a new horror game claiming that this one will finally comeback us in the real survival horror of the past, everytime it failed.
Infact accross the last years we have had games who hit the goal only partially,for example Dead Space, Resident Evil Revelation and others, no one, except maybe Last Of Us was able to accomplish it, get the fact, a software house earn money selling a videogame to the mass, and if this one prefer shooter than real survival horror it's not game developers fault, anyway what about this new game ? Could this one be able to hit the target where a lot of others missed it ?
Let me split the game in more parts in order to talk about every aspect and give you my opinion.
This is a cross generation game, so the graphics engine not take advantage of all the power of Playstation 4, anyway the graphics it's well made, the design of the environments are good as well also if it's bit dissapoint the feeling of deja-vù, for who play with Capcom videogames since long time will realize that a lot of environment are similar to the past games, for example the Mansion of the first unforgettable resident evil.
Also the characters are good, regard the monsters, are been gathered every kind of them from old horror movies, we have the big guy with the huge saw that we seen a lot of time in " texas chain massacre " , the monster with long hair seen in japanese movies like the ring and the grudge, and others, the problem also here is still the feeling of deja-vù.
The evil within it's a mix of survival and shooter just like resident evil 4, there is everything you need in order to have fun, no doubt about that, but there aren't any news in this one, nothing that we not seen already in the past videogames, plus, Mikami come from Capcom, a software house who recycle a lot, infact in this game we can see a lot of situations very similar to the past resident evil chapters, and when you add a this one the fact that the camera angle usually not help us, you can understand why the evil within can't be a masterpiece, but not misunderstand me, it's a good game.
One more point, this is a old school game, a horror with a lot of very hard bossfight, that could be ok for someone but not for all, included me, I don't like a ton of hard boss fight, it's how we played 20-30 years ago, but damned we are in the 2014, meanwhile I played with it I regret Last of Us where you don't fight any boss.
This is one other part of the game where I don't have to complain, 15 chapters, plus various difficulty levels, with a lot of secrets and weapons to unlock mean that you will spend enough time with this game, I will be appreciated if a easy difficulty level was been added, in this way also everyone which like to play in easy way would been able to appreciate it.
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